Vaporization 101: The Basics
It’s a revolution. Vaporization has become the go-to method of ingesting cannabis, nicotine, and even vitamin supplements. As people become wise to the health risks associated with combustion of these […]
The Real 4/20 Origin Story
The REAL 4/20 Origin Story. If you live in California or even in a legal state for medical or recreational cannabis, you probably know what 420 means, right? Or do […]
Weed Myths that Make Absolutely NO SENSE! Part 1
Weed Myths that make absolutely NO SENSE! Part 1 The internet is the single most important invention of the information/technology age. Through this massive stockpile of information, there is […]
9 Reasons Patients Choose Kushy Punch Over the Competition.
Edibles can seem like uncharted waters if you’ve never had one before. Fear not! With Kushy Punch we have the competition beat 9 different ways. 1. Compact- Just because you’re […]
7 Secret Ways to Ensure you'll NEVER Overdose
The moment where the edible finally kicks in… It can be a scary moment if you’re not prepared. Not to worry, thankfully Mother Nature has a few reset buttons if […]
How did Cannabis Become Illegal?
At a young age, the youth of America are indoctrinated in the belief that their own home government undoubtedly has the best interest of the citizens in mind. It’s a […]
2 Important Reasons why THC+CBD Work Best Together!
It’s no secret now, THC and CBD are two of the main active Cannabinoids responsible for much of the euphoric highs and mellow lows we experience when ingesting cannabis. A […]
4 Reasons why you should EAT Cannabis instead of Smoking it.
Sure, smoking cannabis is a much more communal and social event as opposed to popping an edible. In addition, it’s the quickest method to receiving the effects of a cannabis […]
4 Bad Budtender Habits you NEED to Watch Out for.
Amongst all the great clinic/budtender experiences we go through on a daily basis, there’s always bound to be one or a few we hope to forget. The budtenders are usually […]
Why it's Safe to Dose your Pets with Cannabis!
With about half the country legalizing Cannabis for medicinal usage, it has since opened the flood gates for all types of businesses to flourish and help push forward towards full […]